Amandaland’s Lucy Punch’s current huge US role getting rave reviews | Celebrity News | Showbiz & TV

Motherland spin off Amandaland hits screens tonight (February 5) and sees Lucy Punch reprising her role as the titular posh character who thinks she is the centre of the universe and is oblivious to how the world works.

Getting her own spin off after the huge success of BBC’s Motherland was a big deal but it is not the only high profile role Lucy is currently appearing in as the 47-year-old is also guest starring in US comedy Animal Control’s third season.

She was recently introduced as Fiona Holcomb, a billionaire philanthropist who is supposedly helping the shelter with fundraising activities. However she has also found herself enjoying saucy flings with two of the staff.

Her character has bedded both Joel McHale’s character Frank Shaw and Grace Palmer’s Victoria Sands creating an awkward love triangle situation for the colleagues.

Critics and viewers alike are loving her appearance on the show and she is proving a huge hit.

Reviewing the show Tell Tale TV wrote: “Lucy Punch has fantastic, palpable chemistry with everyone on this show.”

Indicating they would like her to stick around they added: “Punch makes this role so compelling that it’s challenging to imagine the show without her.”

Collider wrote: “Punch add(s) just the right amount of spice to keep the A.C. crew busy and audiences on their toes.”

Fans were delighted when they discovered she was in the show and took to social media to express how much they loved her in it.

“I can’t believe Grace Palmer and Lucy Punch kissed in Animal Control like my motherland and good grief heart is so unbelievably happy right now #AnimalControlFOX,” one wrote on X.

“LMAO Lucy Punch guesting on “Animal Control” (TV) I feel so fancy that I recognize UK actors everywhere,” another commented.


Meanwhile a fourth seemed surprised whens he popped up in the show chiming in: “Finally had time to watch Animal Control…AND LUCY PUNCH GUEST STARRED? #AnimalControlFOX.”

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