Even if you consider yourself to be technologically savvy, there is a lot that you may not even know about. Things have advanced to incredible heights, making it easier and more convenient for the common man than ever.
Even if you think that you aren’t technologically literate, there are ways to improve. These tips are going to make it easier for you to get the most out of your device usage, whether it be a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Built-in Dictation
Typing is not a skill everyone has. There are times when you need to dictate quite a bit and it can feel like a monumental task. If you need to convert an audio file to text, there are tools for that. But if you feel like typing regularly is too much of a task for you, then dictation that is built into your device can wind up being invaluable.
With Google Assistant or Siri (and others), you can simply speak your thoughts and dictation will spell them out for you. Just make sure that you are clear, enunciate properly, and speak out your desired punctuation. If you expect a comma, period, or exclamation point, say it out loud and the dictation software will type it out for you.
Share Notes
Though just about everyone has a smartphone in this day and age, not everyone really feels comfortable using one. The beauty of tech developments is that they take user complaints and find a way to resolve or improve those issues. Texting in any lengthy manner is one of those things that has been resolved.
Using the simple notes option, you can share lists, notes, and even conversations effortlessly. If you are heading to the grocery store and can’t remember everything you need, you can share the note with your partner and make sure that you are both on the same page. It is a simple thing but it can wind up providing convenience like never before.
Map Out Your Trip
When it is imperative to be somewhere on time, you need to not only know how long it will get there but when to leave. Before smart devices, you simply had to ballpark the math in your head. Thankfully, tech has developed to the point where that is far easier.
Using any number of map apps, you can set your arrival or departure time. It gives you an accurate estimate of when you should arrive at your destination. Setting an arrival time lets you know when you should leave in order to make it to your destination on time. Never be late again – unless traffic gets the best of you – when you can use the latest maps to plot things out down to the minute.
Transcript Your Meetings
If you tend to have a lot of meetings in your line of work, transcribing things can not only be helpful but a huge pain in the rear. Thankfully, it is easier to transcribe audio than it has ever been before. There is an AI app or two that will record and transcribe in real-time.
You never have to fall behind in your transcribing again. Depending on the app, you may even be able to search through your transcripts after just a few minutes. In addition to that, you can play your recording back, add highlights, and even add comments as well. Best of all, there are transcription services that provide up to 600 minutes of transcription each month, so you won’t have to shell out to make the most of this invaluable service.