Once again white coat did miracle, this animal is still alive after kidney transplant, you will be shocked to know 1

Once again white coat did miracle Doctors are called the form of God because it is only through their efforts that human life remains safe. Now the doctors have accomplished another feat.

This animal’s life was saved by transplant

A pig kidney

A pig kidney was transplanted into a monkey two years ago, and the primate is still alive and healthy. Once again white coat did miracle It is believed to be a record for an animal to survive this long after an inter-species organ transplant. This achievement will also contribute to the goal of employing animal organs to overcome the shortage of life-saving human organs. Once again white coat did miracle As a result, people’s lives can be saved.

Is our organ safe and important for life

Xenotransplantation is the practice of transplanting an organ from a pig into another human being. Once again white coat did miracle According to molecular biologist Wenning Qin of the biotech business Agenesis in Cambridge, Massachusetts, there is proof of principle in non-human primates that our organ is safe and supports life.

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According to the researchers, the study will provide more evidence to authorities such as the United States Food and Drug Administration, which is deciding whether to allow first human trials of non-human organ transplants. Once again white coat did miracle It is important to understand how feasible mass production of pigs on such a large scale would be.

Are pig organs equivalent in size and structure to human organs

Researchers have transplanted pig hearts into two living people in recent years, showing that pig hearts and kidneys can work even in people who have been declared legally dead.

structure to human organs

Pigs are used in xenotransplantation studies because their organs are similar to those of humans in size and anatomy. Once again white coat did miracle However, the immune systems of humans and other organisms react to three chemicals on the surfaces of pig cells, causing them to reject the untransformed pig organs.

Man can achieve more such successes

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Still, the leap will be significant for humans, according to transplant surgeon Jayme Locke of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Once again white coat did miracle There are other aspects to consider in this scenario, such as the fact that people weigh much more and have higher blood pressure than these monkeys, and it is unknown whether pig organs would be able to tolerate that environment. , he says.

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Once this animal’s heart was transplanted into a human being

Transplant was successful

Experiments are being done continuously in today’s science. Once again white coat did miracle Science has achieved success to a great extent and is still adamant on its experiments. In the coming days, animals will become an important part of our lives.

Recently doctors did an experiment. Once again white coat did miracle In which he transplanted a pig’s heart into a human being and the transplant was successful. However, the man died after about 2 months. Once again white coat did miracle But still this transplant worked to a great extent. Now too, there will be a lot of expectations from the doctor who is called God on earth.

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